The brand Ralph & Jane brings together two worlds: that of the overloaded schedule and the desire for a healthy lifestyle. All our products meet the demands of both the most fanatic ‘Ralphen’ and the busiest ‘Janes.’
Ralph Moorman and Janneke Rutten
Ralph is the Tarzan of the health world. He studied food technology at Wageningen University, then thoroughly explored the supermarket jungle. As a grocery coach, he even conducts safaris in the supermarket, guiding people – amidst all dangers and temptations – to the healthiest products. This helps raise awareness of and demand for healthier products.
His highly successful books and courses on The Hormone Factor and The Testo Factor make him a well-regarded and frequently consulted figure in the media. But for Ralph, that’s not enough. As a food technologist, he also wants to contribute on the supply side with his brand Ralph & Jane. Ralph not only advises others on their health but also practices what he preaches by staying ultra-fit.
Janneke is the Jane of the duo and, in daily life, a decisive multitasker. She is a busy businesswoman and a self-aware mother, which is not always easy to combine with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, she is always looking for good, gluten-free, tasty, and genuinely honest products with a high level of convenience to nourish herself and her family as healthily as possible.
For many years, she has noticed that there is a lot to gain in this area. Hence, Janneke wants to assist all the other ‘Janes’ with new solutions and products.
Me Ralph, you Jane, but what is Teff?
Teff is an ancient grain: not refined, unprocessed, and rich in fiber. It is too small to peel and therefore always 100% whole grain. Janneke is involved in various activities in Africa and has a foundation for after-school childcare. The children receive meals with teff daily. Teff has the highest fiber content of all grains worldwide, providing a very high and long-lasting satiety.
Teff is, therefore, part of all Ralph & Jane products. This ancient grain is also called Abyssinian love grass. So, our Ralph & Jane products are literally “made with love.”
Fun fact: the name comes from the old ‘teffa,’ which means something like ‘lost’ or ‘misplaced.’ That’s because it is the smallest grain in the world, and when the grains fall on the floor, they are no longer to be found!

…No time to make something tasty and healthy in the morning to take with you (or give to the kids)? No problem, with the Ralph & Jane mix, a pancake is ready in no time! Or bake a good number of cupcakes or waffles the night before; ready in fifteen minutes and easy to take with you! Also great for before or after exercising.
…You want to prepare a healthy meal at the end of a busy day, but yeah, the preparation time… A quick wrap or a delicious veggie burger is easily fixed with the Ralph & Jane Wondermix!
…Your body doesn’t like gluten, milk protein, or milk sugars, but they’re almost everywhere. So, you quickly take a piece of quiche or nut bread with the Ralph & Jane mix in the morning.
…You’re on your way home, there’s traffic, and you get hungry, but you also want to watch your figure… Good news! You don’t have to succumb to unhealthy options at the gas station because you have those delicious homemade muffins from Ralph & Jane with you! Super quick, and you can go straight to the gym!
…Just make waffles or muffins; it only takes 15 minutes, and they stay fresh for 5 days! Great for packing in the lunchbox for school, for yourself at work, or as fuel before or after a good workout.
These are all examples that many of us can relate to. Ralph & Jane products offer the perfect solution in these situations!
Why do so many people still have a belly?
Why do we collectively struggle with energy slumps?
And where do those vague complaints come from?
Motivation, awareness, and even buying better products in the supermarket are no longer sufficient. On the one hand, you want to change, but there are just too many temptations.
Even when we think we’re buying a good product, we often end up deceived. Many products are filled with claims that they are healthy and produced honestly. Only when you really read the label do you see that this is often not true. Sugars, other unhealthy substances, and fattening agents are hidden under difficult names or concealed under so-called E-numbers.
That is what we do NOT do. We really want to nourish ourselves and our children healthily and honestly!
Ralph & Jane is a genuinely healthy food brand, also (h)onest and transparent!
And, it does contain carbohydrates. No, not those carbohydrates that have little nutritional value and immediately spike blood sugar (resulting in the well-known blood sugar dip), but the carbohydrates rich in resistant starch that actually help your intestinal flora. So, no more energy dips, but longer-lasting energy without feeling hungry. Ideal for daily use in your diet!
Ralph & Jane products are perfect for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: for long (work)days, for athletes (especially for active kids), but also for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Combine our mixes with low-calorie ingredients, and you’ll feel satisfied for longer!
What do you make with it? It’s incredibly versatile, so you can easily make pancakes, pizza crust, wraps, burgers, and even pasta.
And, it’s naturally Gluten-free!
Ralph & Jane BV
Papenstraat 26
7411 ND DeventerPOST ADDRESS:
Lochemseweg 35
7214 RC Epse